Vidusha is the founder and Destiny Architect of High Five Consultancy & Luminary Learning Solutions. Featured on TEDx Colombo for the Leadership Learning framework, he has over 15 years of hands-on experience in over 20 countries, has trained over 200,000 people and has led acclaimed HR and HRD initiatives. Vidusha is also one of two founding directors of Chrysalis, a social enterprise focusing on women and youth and a CARE affiliate. He was recognised as one of the World’s Top 30 Leadership Professionals for 2022 by Global Gurus Top30, is listed as one of the Top 50 Thought Leaders by Thinkers360 for 2023. He is also a listed member of the Organisational Culture Champions by LeaderHum.
Vidusha is currently reading for his PHD in Leadership. He holds an MA in Human Resource Management from Northampton University, an MA in Leading Innovation and Change from the University of York St. John, an MBA from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and a BA in Business Management from the University of Lincoln.